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Dinner with 12 Tartans Hosted by Ray Feng in Shanghai(仅限CMU校友)

2019年5月18日 , 18:00 - 20:00
上海市 长宁区蟹榭

CMU Shanghai Alumni Network cordially invites you to a Speaker dinner with Ray Feng, who is Managing Director of Pivotal China and also serves General Manager of the China R&D Center.

Ray graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a master degree in information system and management.  Ray returned from the Silicon Valley in 2010 to found Greenplum China R&D at EMC, which was US Fortune 500 Company. Since the creation of Pivotal China in 2013, he has foreseen half a billion RMB investment in China.

Ray will share the Pivotal view of how to create a technology business. You are also welcome to bring your questions in areas of big data, cloud computing, leadership, etc.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to learn the latest trends in the industry, hang out with alums and have inspiring discussions.

Ray Feng


Event Details

Date: 05/18/2019

Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Location: 蟹榭(虹桥高岛屋百货店), 1438 Hongqiao Road, 3F, 03-01

Deposit: ¥150 RMB per person, pay in advance. Not refundable.

Notes: The event is CMU-exclusive and space is limited to 11. Pre-registration is required. Walk-in registration will not be accepted.

For questions, please contact Lisa (Wechat:lisha313445)

Learn more about Ray

Ray Feng is Managing Director of Pivotal China and also serves General Manager of the China R&D Center. Since the creation of Pivotal China in 2013, he has foreseen half a billion RMB investment in China. As Pivotal’s senior global product leader, Ray provides strategic inputs for Pivotal’s thought leadership in digital transformation and the associated flagship software products: Cloud Foundry and Greenplum. Ray returned from the Silicon Valley in 2010 to found Greenplum China R&D at EMC, which was US Fortune 500 Company. Before that, Ray was living in Silicon Valley to create Oracle’s first cloud computing product. He helped Oracle Cloud Computing become a thought leadership at the very beginning of the cloud computing industry

Academically, Ray entered Peking University with a silver medal of Physics Olympics on behalf of the  Zhejiang team. He was immersed in the Honor Science Program (now Yuanpei Program), in which cross-disciplinary courses such as economics, computer science, and mathematics are taught. He later graduated with his double bachelor degrees in physics and economics. He did his graduate study at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA. At CMU, he teaching-assisted educational robots at the renowned Robotics Institute. Ray holds two U.S.  patents on cloud computing. Ray’s most well-known publications are the digital transformation trilogy:

  1. “Cloud Foundry: Digital Strategy & Implementation” (published by Machinery Industry Press)
  2. “Greenplum: Big Data Strategy & Implementation” (published by Machinery Industry Press)
  3. “The Mathematical Corporation: Where Machine Intelligence and Human Ingenuity Achieve the Impossible (Chinese Translation)”  (to be published by Machinery Industry Press)

CMU Alumni Network Shanghai Chapter

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