Ray Feng (冯雷), Pivotal China R&D Center GM, attended the Nova dinner organized by the famous Ortus Club at the Puli Hotel, Jing’an, Shanghai. In the discussion with many renowned financial institutions, Ray shared his experiences in setting up R&D centers in both Shanghai and Beijing. According to Ray, Beijing has attracted the 2nd largest volumes of VC investments only after the Silicon Valley. Beijing’s primary focus in on high tech. Pivotal’s Beijing office has become a thought leader in machine learning and big data. Shanghai, however, has more been known for her advantages in services, designs, and vogues. The cost in both cities are roaring, so more companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen are seeking to build R&D centers in new hubs like Chengdu, Wuhan, and Changsha.
See the original Ortus post, Ortus Round Table: The Future of China’s Innovation Hubs, for more details.